Animation 2 Storyboard

Here below is the storyboards for the second animation I will be doing. It goes along the same sort of theme with the graphics and the overall look of it however this one will be all the same long shot but follows the car as it goes through the ‘city’ and each shot will look different, in the same style but different houses and backgrounds etc.

The difference in this one is there will be an animation of song titles changing in the top right of the screen which is just represent the driver changing songs on his phone. There will be a close up shot of the phone just to clarify that the driver is using his/her phone.

Animation 2 P1









Animation 2 P2

Animation 1 Storyboard

This week I have tried to crack on with the whole pre-production of my animation so then I can just crack down on my animations.

With this first animation I have tried to stick with what I originally first thought it should look like and will be a mixture of long shots, mid shots and close ups. I have had these prepared for my meeting with Lincolnshire Road Safety Partnership on the 21/11/2016 where I will be meeting John to go over and discuss the overall looking of my animation and after them showing interest in my animation which we will also be discussing further!
Animation 1 P1








Animation 1 P2







Animation 1 P3